Member Privacy


Authorized Contact

The data privacy of our members is important to us.  As a Steuben Rural Electric member, you may be asked to provide additional information and identification when you make inquiries on your account, such as the last four digits of your social security number.

A member may complete a member disclosure consent form to allow us to give account information to individuals other than the member(s).  If the membership is a joint membership, the consent form must be signed by both members.  A signed form must be returned to Steuben Rural Electric by mail, in person or by faxing it to our office at (607) 776-2293.

An authorized contact may make inquiries on the account they are authorized on.  An authorized contact may not make any service status changes to an account (request disconnect, reconnect or transfer of service).

The addition of an authorized contact does not grant any ownership to the unretired capital credits on the member's account.  Authorized contacts are not financially responsible for the account.

Consent form agreements will remain in effect until Steuben Rural Electric is notified by the member(s) that it is no longer valid.

While these practices may seem intrusive, please understand these procedures are in place to protect your member data.